Recycling Vintage Boxes

I came across this old Carlsberg box/case at an antiques market in my area, and obviously had to have it!
The box itself was in need of some TLC to make it usable, so I got a little Monday DIY project out of it as well. With help from a vacuum cleaner, a paint brush (to remove the dirt from the old paint, wanting to keep the old paint but not the dirt...) and loads of water on a cloth!
The finished project turned out good, and is now serving as storage for my vinyls.
On top of that, I didn't pay an awful lot. Go discover your local flea markets and antique stores, you might just find a good bargain for your home.


  1. Aww I love this vintage box, useful and good decor for home.

    1. Agreed! Can't get enough boxes for the home (good excuse for getting extra storage space!)
